Sunday, December 24, 2006

Only one more sleep until Christmas!

I hope that everyone has a big sleep tonight so that Santa has time to deliver presents to everyone. We are going to go to bed really early tonight so that we can wake up extra early to see if Santa thought we were good kids this year.

Merry Christmas everyone,
Love AJ and Milla


  1. Merry Christmas Milla & AJ. Hope to see you soon and hear all about your christmas!!

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Merry Christmas AJ and Milla (and mum and dad).
    With love,
    Bec and Darren

  3. Have a wonderful day McConville's! I will be sure to visit again very soon. I wish you a very motley christmas and a happy crue year!!! (that was for mum and dad really - bogans reign supreme!!! he he he) lots of love and kisses,

  4. nearly time for bed, the excitement is really showing on your beautiful faces.have fun early in the morning . xxxx

  5. my mum says she hopes that you wake up before the sun does......then you can share THE WHOLE DAY with your mum and dad ;)


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