Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Evil Bee

It was Michael's birthday party today and we all went to Pirate Park to celebrate. There were millions if kids there, all running around having a great time. There were races and games and even a piniata to wack.

All the grown ups were laughing at us trying to smash open the pinata with a stick. Mum thought that it was so funny that she would make a movie of it. Disaster struck and we never got our piniata movie made. An evil bee decided to sting mum on the hand (her camera hand) instead.

After finally removing the sting from mum's hand, mum got her camera ready. We had already smashed the piniata so there was no point in taking photos there. Instead she took a photo of the bee that made here hand swell up and look all gross.

Apparently mum is allergic to bees, it has just taken her 127 years to work it out. Hopefully it will be another 127 years before she gets stung again.

I know that I am not allergic to bees, I had my first bee sting when I was in America!
Love AJ Pickle

Friday, August 24, 2007

I won!

I went to dancing today and I won a medal for being a beautiful dancer. It is a beautiful golden medal on a shiny yellow ribbon.

Abagail won a medal too. We were both so excited.
(Kalinda won a medal too, but she didn't get hers today because she was on holidays instead.)

I wonder when we can win more medals?
Love Princess George

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Isabella Needs Help...

Isabella's uncle Chris came to visit her today and guess what...
He brought her a surprise - a guinea pig!

Isn't he cute! The only problem is that he doesn't have a name yet. Can you help Isabella choose a name for her new pet?

Love AJ Pickle

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I have some new bling - 2 shiny gold medals! One medal is for jazz and the other one is for tap dancing. I had my assessment on Sunday, and the adjudicators said that I was a great dancer, a real Fred Astaire.

Imagine just how good I would be if I practiced my dancing!
Love AJ Pickle

Monday, August 20, 2007

Fairies in the Garden

I went to visit Amelia today. It was such a lovely day that we had a picnic in the garden.

After lunch we played dress-ups and danced around looking for fairies.
Aren't we beautiful fairies?
Love Princess George

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dancing on a Sunday

Today was a really, really, really big day.
It was my dancing assessment day.

I was so excited that I woke up extra early, and woke AJ up too. We had a long, quiet and relaxing morning drawing pictures and colouring in. Mum mad me have a bath to wash off all the beautiful pictures that I had drawn all over my body. I really don't know why, I was wearing a long sleeve leotard and ballet tights.

Finally it was time to get ready, tights and leotard on and my hair tied up in a bun and we were off to the studio. I wasn't even nervous. I played with Kalinda and Abigail to warm up and then it was time for the assessment.

There were 2 adjudicators and Helen (our teacher) watching us do all of our stretches and steps. I was the leader during the fairy runs. I danced really well for almost all of the assessment. I didn't do all of my dance though, I remembered that I had a sore thumb and I couldn't do anymore dancing. Luckily my thumb was feeling better by the end of the dance and I could do my big show bow for the judges.

I had so much fun at the studio for my assessment, I even came back when it was time for AJ's assessment. I can't wait to see how we all went and to get a medal!
Love the dancing Princess George

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Well my first year of Auskick is over.

To celebrate having so much fun learning all about footy, the kids challenged the parents to a match.

It was a really hard match, not just because the parents could kick almost the entire length of the ground, or because the parents could just pick up the kid who had the ball instead of just the ball. The main reason that it was a hard match was because the kids were all so excited and trying really hard to get the ball, that they didn't care who they tackled - I was tackled by my own team player! It didn't really matter in the end, I think the kids won anyway.

After the match we had an award ceremony and I got a certificate, a bag of lollies AND a trophy. I am so excited, my first trophy.

I love Auskick, I can't wait until next season.
Love AJ Pickle

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Photo Book

My literacy group has just read 'The Photo Book'. It was a really interesting book all about family photos in a book. We all liked the book so much that we made our own photo books with pictures of our family in it.

I drew pictures of my family all wearing football colours. Naturally, Milli is a Bulldog and mum is a Kangaroo, they are both wearing dresses. I am a Bomber and dad is a Magpie, .

When all of our pictures were finished, we read the real book to the rest of the class and showed everyone our photo books.
Love AJ

Monday, August 13, 2007

Free Willy

My friend Leo (Isabella’s big cousin) lives in Coffs Harbour. He is really lucky because he gets to go to the beach all the time. The other day, Leo did something really amazing; he helped to save a whale. The whale was only a baby and it got stuck on the beach. Leo and his friends saved Willy (the whale) kept the whale wet until they were able to get it back into the ocean to try and find his mum.

Great work Leo!

Click here if you want to read the whole article that was printed in the Coffs Harbour Advocate.

Love AJ and Milla

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Kings in Tassie

Last weekend, when we were sick, nan and pop dropped in to say Hi on their way to Tasmania for a holiday.

They went to some really amazing places and pop has hundreds of photos.

I want to go to Tasmania one day too, because in Tamania you can go to the place where they make Freddo Frogs - YUM!
Aren't we lucky, nan and pop even brought some frogs home to share with us.
Love AJ and Milli

Friday, August 10, 2007

Waste Not Want Not

As I was drawing my series of pictures to tell the story about catching a robber, my pencil broke.
I didn't let that stop me from finishing my school work!

Although I did the entire story with only the small piece of lead from my pencil, it was a pretty awesome story. The good guys (that's me and dad) fell into a big hole that was getting filled up with water, luckily they drained the water into the sand and were able to catch the robber.

Love AJ Pickle

Thursday, August 09, 2007


It has been really quiet around our house lately. First Milli was sick and then I got sick too.

Can you believe it, I have spent almost 5 days curled up on the couch. I wake up in the morning, decide that my head hurts so I go back to sleep. Eventually I go downstairs to splash about in my cereal before curling up with a doona on the couch for some more sleep.

If I am feeling energetic I might even start to watch a movie before taking a nap. Eventually, after more napping and maybe a few minutes reading or drawing, it is time to pretend to eat dinner and go back to bed.

At some stage during my delirium, nan and pop even dropped in for a quick visit and I didn't even have the energy to get up and play.

I don't like feeling sick, I don't have the energy to do anything. Sleeping is exhausting!
Love AJ Pickle

PS - I was feeling a bit better today, and the Doctor said I was OK, so I decided to go back to school. Boy am I tired tonight, I am ready for bed already!

Friday, August 03, 2007

On my way to pick AJ up from school today, I decided to visit Ella and Taylah. They have new scooters so I decided that I would take my scooter to their house so we could all scoot together.

I got about half way there and decided that scooting was hard work and my legs were too tired. Mum wouldn't take my scooter for me - she was having too much fun riding AJ's scooter. I couldn't just leave it in the middle of Sheep Park. Look at what I had to do!

Can you believe it, after all my hard work carrying my scooter to Ella and Taylah's house, we didn't even go scooting, we decided to play fairy mermaid dress-ups instead!

Love Princess George

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Tiger Cubs

The tiger cubs came out to play at the zoo today.

They are so cute, I wish that I could go into their cage to give them a huge cuddle.

Love Princess George