Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sundays in my City #20 - Unplanned Adventures

Today is Father's Day in Australia so logic would say this would be a post of how we spent the day as a family, enjoying each others company and relaxing.  Unfortunately that isn't how the day panned out.  Instead I spent all day at work and the rest of the family had an 'interesting' day that included a trip to the dental hospital.

Yesterday AJ had an ulcer in his mouth hat was uncomfortable but he woke today and was in a considerable amount of pain and he couldn't close his mouth properly.  It turns out that he had an infection in his tooth so he had it extracted.


Extraction in Action

I have to say that I am glad that I wasn't there.  I am so proud of him for not freaking out, and despite the considerable pain, he isn't afraid of the dentist!

Yes, a gruesome way to spend a Sunday, be thankful that I didn't post the video!

If you want to join in the fun of Sundays in my City too, click on over to Unknown Mami.

Unknown Mami


  1. Oh ouch! AJ was very brave. I hope he's feeling better.

    1. Thanks, he is feeling much better and is sound asleep.

  2. Wow, it was just brave to get those shots let alone be in the chair. I hope all is well with him.

    1. I must admit that I was thankful that I was working instead of being at the dentist, just watching the video made me feel ill!

  3. Glad the pain is gone. Take good care of the rest of the teath or the next pictures will be false ones.

    1. He was allowed to bring the tooth home, it is a great reminder for him and his sister of the importance of dental care.

  4. autch, I know, just visited my dentist last week...
    Have a good week ahead!

  5. I'm totally freaking out!

  6. Glad it's all now behind him.


  7. I have very few irrrational fears, but the dentist's chair is one of them. Good pictures, though.

  8. Oh dear! What a big guy -- I have had dental surgery (more than once!) so I feel the pain. Hope you guys have a second chance to celebrate father's day/

  9. Yikes! Hopefully he feels better now that its out and you can have a proper celebration.

  10. Omggggggggggggggg,
    I feel that!!! Ouchhhhhhhhhh

  11. I fear pain from the dentist, so I asked him to put me to sleep for a filling and he just laughed! Brave kid!

  12. Ouch! There's something terrifying about going to the dentist! Is he okay now? What a courageous guy!

  13. Thanks everyone for the kind words. He is much better having had a day off school resting yesterday and eating nothing but bananas, yoghurt and icecream for 2 days. He is back eating real food now, running about and being himself again.

    I hope the photos didn't cause too much pain for all the dental-phobes out there. x

  14. It is always good to let dads prove that they are noble, by handling the tough stuff! ;) Lucky for you! Glad AJ is feeling much better.

  15. Just heard about your tooth A.J. uou poor thing I hope it did not hurt too much. Hugs and kisses xxxxx

  16. kingsonthelake6:23 PM

    AJ you are one tough, awsome, couragous boy to sit there with a smile on your face. We are so proud of you. Love you XXXX


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