Monday, June 11, 2012

Sundays in my City #9 - Not going to plan

A long weekend in Australia is the perfect opportunity to get out and about with the kids and have some fun.  For the first time in what felt like forever we had a weekend with no sport and no training obligations at all.  The only plans we had were to look after my gorgeous little God son on the Saturday night.  The theory was that we would have a quiet day on Saturday, pottering around the house but then on Sunday we would go exploring.  The weather was predicted to be fairly decent, well at least not raining or freezing, so we were thinking that we would even find somewhere to stay overnight and really explore somewhere new.  That was the plan but like all good plans, they seem to get turned upside down.

The reality was that we did spend Saturday pottering about and then the rest of the day was spent playing with a gorgeous little bub.  I didn't expect to get much sleep Saturday night, what with having a 7 month old who doesn't sleep through the night the house, but surely that wouldn't be too bad.  When the beautiful bub did eventually fall asleep for the night, he only woke once.  Unfortunately though, I had the lack of sleep trifecta - a waking baby, followed by insomnia and then a sick child.  I managed to only doze for a an hour or so with my night being spent re-settling the baby, cleaning up vomit and calming a sick child.

Needless to say, with the extreme of lack of sleep, I was in no state to do any exploring on Sunday.  In fact AJ and I barely moved from the couch all day long.  Instead of photos of awesome adventures, I have photos of a beautiful bub and my beautiful girl.

A bath in the Kitchen Sink

Beautiful Babes
I was so grateful that my beautiful girl loves him almost as much as I do and was happy to help out.

If you want to join in the fun of Sundays in my City too, click on over to Unknown Mami.

Unknown Mami


  1. Yes we know about plans going no where - we are still waiting for our daugter H and her family to arrive from Charleston. They were supposed to be here last week.

  2. Oh my gosh that is one beautiful baby! I hope you have gotten some rest.


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