Thursday, October 15, 2009

Over Share

By now everyone knows that dad is in hospital, well this is the reason why - OUCH!
Luckily dad didn't want us to miss out on what he was doing so he had lots of people take photos of him and his injury.

Waiting for the ambulance with a bag of dim sims and peas to ice the injury!

Being wheeled into emergency from the ambulance.

Waiting for xrays.

I don't know why no one took photos of dad's elbow being popped back in to place?
Thanks for sharing dad, I hope your arm gets better soon and you come back home.
Love Princess George

1 comment:

  1. kingsonthelake3:15 PM

    Certainly was time to say ouch, looks pretty amazing.He looks happy enough on his way into emergency.Hope he is feeling better now.xx


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