Thursday, September 04, 2008

Art Auctions

Tonight was my first ever art show at school.  It was really cool.  Everyone came to have a look at the amazing pieces of art that the school kids have made.  I had 2 pieces of art on display, the first was a pot person that I made with some of my friends.  The second was a fighter jet sculpture.
This is my fighter jet (it is late at night so the jet is tired!)

As well as looking at all of the art, there was an auction for all of the class pieces of art.  My class had 4 pieces for auction, 2 entire group self portraits with an olympic theme, another self portrait on trains and my favourite piece 'Who Sank the Boat' where we all did self portraits of us on a boat.  

I really wanted to buy the last piece of work and dad tried to buy it for me, but he chickened out of the auction when it hit $350.  I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the best piece of art in the entire auction, but then I figured that if dad was going to spend that much on a picture for my new bedroom, perhaps I can get him to buy me a DS!

What do you think?
Love AJ Pickle

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    AJ that fighter jet is really great, you made it so well, great work.The DS sounds like a better deal to me too even though the art would have been great as you worked on it.Love Nanny & Poppy xx


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